Imagine being able to jog or hike for the day without sensation of vaginal walls pulling down and causing pressure. Imagine not having to manipulate the vaginal walls in order to urinate or defecate. You are not alone, 1 out of 3 women will have prolapse in their lifetime causing these bothersome and sometimes embarrassing symptoms.
So, what is prolapse?
Pelvic Prolapse is the weakening of the ligaments and muscles that support the pelvic organs. This condition can worsen over time and may require intervention to fit it!
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1.Pelvic Prolapse
FALSE; 1:3 women will develop pelvic prolapse in their lifetime. It is estimated that half of women between 50-79 have some degree of prolapse. Your lifetime risk of surgery for PFD by the age of 80 is 11%.
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It is not a normal part of aging.
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Yes. Please click to read more about non-surgical and surgical management options.
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Non-Surgical Management Options
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Please also view this informative video that includes helpful information regarding female pelvic prolapse: