Embrace your stripes on National Stretch Mark Day!

Embrace Your Stripes: Celebrating National Stretch Mark Day! Here at Virginia Beach Obstetrics & Gynecology, we believe that every body tells a story. And often, those stories are beautifully etched with the marks of life – stretch marks. Today, on National Stretch Mark Day, we’re celebrating those unique lines and encouraging you to embrace your… Read more

Afraid to sneeze? We can help.

Don’t Let Leaks Dictate Your Life: Understanding and Treating Urinary Incontinence Urinary incontinence – it’s a topic many people shy away from, often suffering in silence. But here at Virginia Beach OBGYN, we want to break the stigma and let you know you’re not alone. Incontinence is a common condition, and more importantly, it’s treatable!… Read more

Avoiding Drugs During Pregnancy – For Your Unborn Baby’s Sake

Healthy pregnant woman

While you are pregnant, everything that you do has an effect on your baby. The amount of sleep you get, the kinds of food you eat, and how much exercise you get every day all impact your baby’s health and growth. It is important to know that everything you put into your body will also… Read more

The Best Pregnancy Exercises

The discovery that you’re expecting brings many questions – especially if this is your first pregnancy. Your body is constantly changing as your baby grows; sometimes not always in the most pleasant ways. You may notice your ankles swelling, that your back aches, or that you’re far more prone to bloating than you have ever… Read more

RhoGAM Shot – What is Rh+ and Rh-?

In the early stages of your pregnancy, there are myriad tests to which you’ll be submitted. One of those tests will determine whether you have the Rhesus protein; in other words, whether you are Rh-positive or Rh-negative. This protein lives on the surface of the red blood cells of 85 percent of the population. For… Read more

How Pregnancy Affects your Sleep

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life. The changes to your body mean that a new life is taking shape. The incredible process of the growth of a child leads to many physical and emotional changes in the weeks and months ahead. One of first changes pregnant mothers notice is… Read more

New Pap Smear Guidelines

The United States Preventive Services Task Force has issued recent guidelines for screening for cervical cancer. As a woman, it is important to know how this affects you and your healthcare. At Virginia Beach OBGYN, we are committed to providing you with all you need to take charge of your health. What Causes Cervical Cancer?… Read more

What Are the Signs That You May Be Pregnant?

How do you know if you may be pregnant?

  Do you wonder if you could be pregnant? Without having a pregnancy test, it is impossible to be completely sure. Days before your first missed period, your body could send you signals, telling you that something is changing. Even if you are not trying to conceive, it is important to be aware of the… Read more

Bleeding After Sex – Causes & Concerns

                        If you find blood following intercourse and you are not menstruating, it can be alarming. Post-coital bleeding affects as many as nine percent of women of child-bearing age and may be the result of various conditions. In many cases, there is no underlying… Read more