Posts By: Colleen Mathias


Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic… Read more


Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic… Read more

Losing Weight and Winning the Battle of the Bulge

One  of the most common challenges that our society and our patients face is maintaining a healthy weight. Obesity is both a national epidemic and a personal struggle for many patients and for me. In my patient population and personal life, certain choices are consistently associated with success in weight loss and weight maintenance. These… Read more

Sentara Princess Anne

OBGYN Chesapeake VA

Sentara Princess Anne Hospital is a 160-bed acute care hospital that serves Southern Virginia Beach, as well as the neighboring Chesapeake and northeastern North Carolina communities. Sentara Princess Anne Hospital, in partnership with Bon Secours Virginia, brings quality clinical outcomes, experienced physicians, award winning patient safety initiatives, advanced technology and a patient-centered approach to care… Read more

Welcome Dr. Nugent!

Welcome Dr. Nugent! We are excited to announce that Andrea Scharfe Nugent, MD., will be joining Virginia Beach Obstetrics & Gynecology, PC, on September 2, 2014!   Dr. Nugent was trained in Dublin, at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. She completed her OB/GYN Internship and Residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD…. Read more

Best of the Beach!

Congratulations Everyone! Thank you to our patients and supporters who voted for Virginia Beach Obstetrics & Gynecology as the best OB/GYN practice in Virginia Beach! We won GOLD in Pilot’s 2014 Best Of Contest!

Virginia Beach Obstetrics & Gynocology is a Winner!

Congratulations to …us! Virginia Beach Obstetrics and Gynecology has been awarded American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) Ultrasound Practice Accreditation in the areas of Gynecology and First, Second, and Third Trimester Obstetrical Ultrasound. We achieved this recognition by meeting rigorous voluntary guidelines set by the diagnostic ultrasound profession. All facets of the practice were… Read more

How to Beat Insomnia and Get Back to ZZZZZZ…

One of the most common complaints among my patients is that of poor sleep.  From difficulty falling asleep to middle of the night awakening to restlessness with poor sleep quality–the complaints keep coming! Whether you are an expectant mother struggling to sleep, or a new mom trying to get much-needed rest, there are several things… Read more

A Salute to Military Mommas

Like most women, I can vividly remember the day I went into labor with my second child. My contractions started on a Sunday morning, and I was in denial. I began that Sunday like any other during my husband’s 2nd deployment. I woke up, showered, dressed, and helped my two year old put on a… Read more

Bladder Control: Another great benefit of Botox

Did you know there is another great reason to love BOTOX? Many of us know the advantages of Botox- keeping us ladies and gents from losing our fountain of youth. There have always been known, but limited medical uses for this lovely substance until now. A recent study was presented at the  American Urogynecologic Society’s… Read more

Congratulations Dr. Mary Burns!

Congrats! Congratulations to Dr. Mary Burns on her recent certification in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery! Dr. Burns is among the first group of obstetrician/gynecologists to become board certified in this new sub-specialty. We’re so proud! Return to Latest News

Congratulations Dr. Lisbet Hanson!

Congratulations to Dr. Lisbet Hanson! She is the 2013 John Krueger Lectureship Physician of the Year! Dr. John Jay Krueger was a prominent Virginia Beach physician and community leader for 32 years before his death in 1996. As a pathologist, he organized and directed the laboratory, and served as president of the Virginia Beach General… Read more

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB)

Menstruation affects every woman in this world in some way. A typical woman can expect to menstruate for 40 years of her life! The start of menstruation (menarche) occurs around age 9-15.  In some cultures it is celebrated.  For example, special Native American songs honor “Moon Time”.  For others it is cloaked in secrecy and… Read more

Birth Control Pills and Mirena IUDs – Scarier than Zombies?!

AHH! Recently, while watching the season finale of my favorite zombie show, what I found most intriguing wasn’t the award-winning acting or the intricate story lines, it was the aggressive commercials that followed.  Lately there seems to be an overwhelming increase in television ads pandering to our greatest medical fears. Yaz, Mirena, Robot Surgery, the… Read more

Is New Motherhood Not the Happiest Time of your Life?

I want to write today about a topic that is neither glamorous nor pleasant to discuss…postpartum depression.  Research shows that 20% of new mothers experience some postpartum depression; however, this number may be even greater since many cases go unreported.  Postpartum depression is a real medical illness and often requires medical treatment. The new mother… Read more

Pap Test Guidelines – Less Truly is More

In recent months we have had a slew of questions about the new pap test guidelines from patients and colleagues. Recent changes have left many women confused about an age-old yearly test. So we want to debunk some of the myths, and clear up some of the confusion. Screening for cervical disease and prevention of… Read more

Birth Control: More than just “the pill”

Today I want to talk about misnomers.  We all know that “Kleenex” refers to any facial tissue.  We all store our leftovers in “Tupperware”, though not a single piece of plastic in our pantry may be etched with that name. But let it be clearly known that when your friendly gynecologist asks, “Do you need… Read more

Adjusting to New Motherhood – Letting Go

Two years ago, I joined some of my patients in the ranks of “new mother”.  And what a journey it has been.  I now understand the plight of the bleary-eyed, perpetually sleep-deprived souls who are hopelessly and desperately in love with their offspring.  I also have a new perspective as a doctor as to what… Read more

Jerry Seinfeld and the Vulva

Okay ladies. Time to talk about the vulva.  That’s right….the vulva.  And I don’t mean the Swedish automobile or the parkway in Chesapeake.  I am referring to the female external genitals. Just the word ‘vulva’ makes many people cringe with discomfort.  There are a slew of monikers for this body part.  Over the years we have… Read more